Duquesne Beach Petroglyphs Understanding symbols and their meaning to the people who created them
Grenada National Museum: Teacher Kit
At the SiteWhat Do You See?
OverviewWe are going to spend a few minutes on Duquesne beach,
looking at the petroglyphs, drawing what you see, and discussing their
possible meanings.
After Your Visit
1. Imagine what life was like in Grenada 1000 years ago, long before the modern world. Now write a back-story to the Duquesne petroglyphs. Who and what are they? Are they twins? Are they married? What is something that happened to them in their life?
2. Research on the internet to learn about symbolism, language, and culture. A good starting point is in semantics, the word used to describe meaning in language. A short video on this can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZDkp8dUWyw
General Reflection/Wrap-Up Questions · What is a petroglyph? · Who created the Duquesne petroglyphs? Why? · How do we use symbols in modern life? · Compare and Contrast our use of symbols to ancient uses. |